

Abol Elec Customer Complaints Handling Policy


Abol Elec supports our obligations to implement a customer complaints management system that complies with the Australian/New Zealand Standard on complaints management. 

Abol Elec will handle your complaint in accordance with our standard complaints procedures (see below). If we have volunteered to be bound by the CEC Solar Retailer Code of Conduct, then these procedures will comply with that Code, and with the Australian Standard on Complaints Handling AS ISO 10002-2006.


Policy statement

Abol Elec is committed to effective and efficient customer complaints management. 

The company strives to manage customer complaints in an accountable, transparent, timely and fair manner that is compatible with human rights, and complies with the company’s suite of customer complaints management resources:

• Customer complaints management framework and procedure;

• Internal review procedure

• Managing unreasonable complainant conduct procedure.


Abol Elec’s customer complaints management principles are aligned to the guiding principles as set out in the Australian/New Zealand Standard on complaints management.

Your Guarantee

Abol Elec is committed to providing the best electrical solutions for homeowners, builders and business owners. 

We offer a prompt, reliable and provide professional service with customer satisfaction paramount.

All work is proudly carried out to the highest professional standard, and is fully guaranteed.
Abol Elec is committed to a high standard of health and safety.

We adhere to the latest health & safety practices and ensure all work sites are completely safe consistent with health and safety standards.